Legacy Facilitation Methodology

First Practice Theorize Last

Here you live the theory by doing, and then you learn it.

Through virtual Gamification strategies we’ve successfully innovated creative coach training approaches to enable you to practice by heart ingraining coaching in your being and doing.

Good Design Good Design
Facilitation Methodology

Training & Coaching From Heart

It’s the passion you have when you do what you love, the energy you feel when learning something new, and the ultimate potentials you recognize that you have when you improve your skills. Here in Legacy, it’s all from heart.

Facilitation Methodology

Beyond the Classroom

Completing a training program is an essential step but following it with real support in your journey makes the real difference. Our one of its kind Ecosystem guarantees full support in all your upcoming steps after completing the training hours to have a clear vision of what’s coming and a structured plan of how to accomplish your learning goals.

Good Design
Facilitation Methodology

Building a Learning Family

Relationships and Human connections are deep values for every human being.

As Legacy Facilitators, building deeply connected family bond between peers is one of the main outcomes we work on every single session. Here you graduate with the knowledge, skills, and a learning family.
